6 Signs That You Need To Upsize Your Home
- 24th January 2019
Written by Samantha Moate
Written by Samantha Moate
Moving into your first home is rather like falling in love. Every single room is exciting, you have a whole host of ideas to make the place a true reflection of your life and personality. It’s yours and yours alone, and any small imperfections are easily ignored. Of course, this early infatuation can start to fade. Before long you might start a family and quickly realise that your space is gradually disappearing. But when do you start to consider upsizing?
If you’re starting to feel cramped in your current home or feel it isn’t right for you anymore, you shouldn’t worry – this is a natural step for every homeowner. And whilst it’s often inevitable that a bigger home will be more expensive, there are many ways in which you can save and still enjoy a larger space. Upsizing might seem like a big move, but by using our handy guide, you’ll soon know if the time is right.
One of the most common reasons for people upsizing their home is a growing family; whether there’s a new member on the way or if the current members keep growing! That small home you and your partner loved at first may start to feel a bit more cramped and less spacious, leading you to want a bigger home. Not only does a bigger house give your children a better environment to grow in, it also gives everyone that little bit of space they need for extra privacy or alone time.
Planning family growth also requires you to upsize your home, having the perfect house ready for your perfect family is a must.
While your family may be growing, they’re not the only things that take up space! We’re all guilty of picking up more possessions as time goes on. If it’s storage you need rather than extra bedroom space, then it’s time to get clever. See first whether you definitely need to move or if a lot of your clutter can be reduced with a big clear-out. Certain pieces like furniture will last a lifetime and so will require the extra space. Look for properties that have storage potential – whether this be in the form of under-the-stair cupboards, cellars, attics and even garden space for a potential shed. You want your home to feel cosy but clutter-free.
And no, we don’t mean when you go up a jean size! Upsizing doesn’t technically mean you have to buy a bigger property for more money. Instead, look for homes that have more potential than your current property. You might not have children yet but are already considering them, in which case a house with a garden might be on the cards. If you’re considering a career change, then looking for a property in an area with easier commuting could be wise. Keep your eyes peeled for houses that also have space for extra growth. Having the option to add extensions or converting rooms means that it can grow when you grow!
When you first moved into your home, you may have had different needs at the time. Maybe you moved there to get closer to an old job? Or you liked the idea of city living, but now fancy a change of scenery. A growing family can lead to growing concerns such as the best schools within the area or being closer to child-friendly activities. Or else if you’re always on the go, you might consider a new property closer to your gym or local bars and pubs. If you’re actively looking for local amenities and can’t find any solutions, maybe the time to upsize is now.
If you don’t desperately need to move into a bigger home right now, it can still be beneficial to do it if your financial situation is looking good. The chances of you needing to upsize in the future are very high, and this could arise at a time when you’re not as financially stable as now, leading you to increased stress and panic.
Doing it now, while you can, will potentially save you a lot of future stress and pain but can also mean you could get your dream home now rather than settling for a bigger one later!
Your current home may not be able to house the furniture of your dreams or even furniture that is big enough for you and your family. If you’re struggling to find a sofa or bed that will fit into a certain room or that massive TV you’ve dreamed of won’t fit on the wall, the time for upsizing is now.
A bigger home will be more capable of having all of this bigger furniture, allowing you to have more freedom in placing the items and even having enough furniture for guests to sit on too!
If you have experienced any of the signs above, it may be time to upsize your home. It’s definitely a great thing for you and your family moving forward, giving you that extra space you crave and setting you up for a long future. A home that is extendable also gives you more freedom in the future, allowing the house grow with you.
Are you ready to buy the house of your dreams? Get in touch with our MoveNow team today.