Have you ever house-shared? For anyone who’s ever had to share their home with a housemate, you’ll know that house-sharing can be the best thing in the world or the bane of your life. There are certainly perks and pitfalls that come with living with a total stranger. Will they be the type of person who enjoys a cosy night in and goes to bed at 10 o’clock, for example, or will they love a 4AM loud music session? Finding the perfect housemate can sometimes be a process of trial and error, but there are certain common traits that are desirable any time a new person moves in. Can you guess what they are? We’ve broken down the top traits of a ‘perfect’ housemate so that when it comes to finding a new one, you’ll know exactly what to look for. Happy house-sharing!


Mortgages are tricky things to navigate. Get your mortgage right and you’ll have all you need to make an investment into a home and get onto the property ladder. Get it wrong and you could end up unknowingly committing fraud or have your home repossessed! But buying a property needn’t be all doom and gloom. If you’re looking to purchase a property to rent out rather than live in it yourself, you’ll need a buy-to-let mortgage. Today we break down what this type of mortgage involves and how it works. (more…)

You’ve found your new home, and your moving day is just a month away! But where to begin? What do you sort first? We’ve compiled the ultimate moving house checklist to ensure that your move is as easy as possible.


House-hunting is a big step for any first-time buyer, and certainly not one to be taken lightly. And as more and more young people struggle to make that step onto the property ladder, Shared Ownership schemes are becoming an increasingly popular option for new homeowners. But what is the Shared Ownership scheme and how does it work? If you’re hunting for your first home on a restricted budget and need a new financial solution, you can discover all you need to know about Shared Ownership right here.


Our director Amanda is one busy woman. She spends her time running MoveNow Properties like a well-oiled machine, but occasionally we have a moment to pin her down. For today’s blog post, we thought we’d ask her about the business, the highlights of the past 10 years and a quick explanation of the process whenever a new customer walks through the door. Have a read and learn more about how we’ve evolved! (more…)

Spring is almost here! And with the arrival of the new season, it’s time to dust off those cobwebs, open those curtains again and embrace the longer days and shorter nights. We can’t get enough of the spring clean season here at MoveNow Properties, and if you’ve read our other guide on the best time of year to sell your home, then you’ll have discovered that spring is the prime time to get your house on the market. For those of you who are thinking of selling your home, or indeed for anyone who feels that their house is in need of sprucing up this season, then read our handy guide. We have all the tips that will have your house looking fresh in no time. (more…)

If you’ve ever been torn between renting a property or saving to buy one, then you’ll know how difficult it can be to decide which option to go for. We’ve all heard the dreaded stories of crazy landlords, hidden charges and dodgy properties that come along with a tenancy agreement. And now that one in four young adults aged 20-34 still live at home with their parents in an effort to save money, it should come as no surprise that renting in the UK has quite a stigma attached to it.

But is renting really all that bad for you and your wallet? The growing pressure to step onto the property ladder often leaves people unsure of the facts when it comes to renting and the options available – especially as house prices continue to rise year upon year. So before you dismiss renting as an option, hold fire. Here we’ve broken down the true differences between renting and buying so that you can learn a few facts and make the right property choice for you! (more…)

When it comes to picking a location to buy a property up north, it’s hard to beat Wakefield. Whilst here at MoveNow Properties we may seem biased (it is our hometown, after all!), we have spent many decades watching this metropolitan city flourish and grow, so we know a thing or two about its attractions. Situated only 10 miles from Leeds and with amazing connections to both Manchester and London via the M1 and M62, Wakefield has become a popular place to live for both commuters and families alike due to its connections, brilliant attractions and affordable city housing.


Trying to sell your home involves a different journey for each and every seller. Whilst regional, personal and seasonal factors will come into play each time a house goes onto the market, it can be tricky to know exactly what time of year is best to put that ‘For Sale’ sign up at the front of your home.
