MoveNow Properties: Get To Know The Wakefield Estate Agents
- 22nd February 2018
Written by Samantha Moate
Written by Samantha Moate
Our director Amanda is one busy woman. She spends her time running MoveNow Properties like a well-oiled machine, but occasionally we have a moment to pin her down. For today’s blog post, we thought we’d ask her about the business, the highlights of the past 10 years and a quick explanation of the process whenever a new customer walks through the door. Have a read and learn more about how we’ve evolved!
Morning Amanda! What makes the MoveNow team different from other property agents?
Morning! It helps that every person on our team enjoys the job that they do. We constantly strive to make our customers happy and comfortable in the homes, and pride ourselves on how many are happy to return and recommend us. As soon as a customer walks through our door, we listen to what they tell us. We remember what their stories, their hopes and their dreams, and make a point of asking them about the things they’ve told us. One of our customers recently became a grandmother; another was training for a charity walk, and it was amazing to follow their respective journeys and make them feel valued and remembered when they returned to see us and we asked how they were. If someone has just had a baby or they’ve recently gotten married we always try to send a card. It’s truly the little things with customer relations that make a huge difference!
I’d also have to say that our team is what sets us apart from our competitors in a big way. A business is rarely a one-man band, and MoveNow is only as good as the people behind it. Thankfully over the years we’ve managed to gather a team that is happy, hard-working and continues to grow. I am constantly grateful for the dedication of each member we have here.
What happens whenever a new customer walks through the door?
We love nothing better than meeting and greeting the wide range of people who walk into our estate agents. Having tea and coffee on hand always helps! We instantly get to know them and aim to always listen to their needs and act accordingly, whether they’re a potential property investor, someone looking to rent or just a customer with a question! Trust is an essential part of our job, and it’s important to gain and keep the trust of our customers.
Are there any funny stories, highlights or stand-out moments from the past 10 years?
Oh gosh, what a question! You laugh at the time and it can be hard to remember the huge number of stories from over the years. One time I turned up to value a house for a vendor and there was already another agent upstairs with the vendor’s wife. I explained that I would wait in the car out of respect for the other agent, but this vendor just said to me: “Oh no, it’s okay! You can wait downstairs. Come with me!” – to which he promptly lead me to a cupboard! Stupidly I got into the cupboard with the vendor and waited for the other agent to leave. The vendor was a tad eccentric and thought it was absolutely hilarious that I was happy to wait in a cupboard with him. His wife found it funny too, and I had to laugh. So did the team when I got back and told them! But all that cupboard waiting was worth it in the end, as they gave me their house to sell.
What started it all? How did you spot a gap in the market?
I’d had decades of experience working for other agents ever since I was 20 years old. Ten years ago and in my last role before MoveNow, I was selling prestigious properties. I could see that the housing market was slowing down and that rental was still a way for people to move house, so it seemed like the ideal time to open a rental business. As it turns out, this was the right decision! In 2015 the housing market changed again, and we had to adapt. We introduced house sales to the business after some of our landlords came to us with requests to sell their properties. It was lovely to see that landlords didn’t want to go anywhere else, and so it made sense to expand the business into the selling market. This has proven very successful so far.
Are there any other benefits for a potential customer choosing you?
Definitely! For landlords with a property, we are currently offering 1 month’s free commission to anyone who recommends us and goes on to use our services. For those who don’t have a property with us, then we offer restaurant vouchers and more.
Where do you see MoveNow progressing in the next 10 years?
The past 10 years have seen amazing levels of growth and success and and so it would be brilliant to continue with this trend. I would love for the business to expand on the property sales side of things, whilst at the same time still taking care of our rental properties. We’re also looking into commercial rentals, so it’s truly all go here at MoveNow!
Do you have any opportunities for those who might like to join your team?
Given that I’m looking to promote staff members within the office, we’re also currently looking to offer an apprenticeship to the right person. It never hurts to show interest, so if anyone who thinks they might be right for our team should get in touch.